Entrepreneurial Passion, Entrepreneurial Self-Confidence and Entrepreneurial Self-Identity as Predictors of Vocational Education Students’ Entrepreneurial Intention in Edo State
Vocational education, Entrepreneurship Passion, Entrepreneurial Self-Confidence, Entrepreneurial Self-Identity, Entrepreneurial IntentionAbstract
As indicators of vocational education students' entrepreneurial intention in Edo State, the current study focused on entrepreneurial passion, entrepreneurial self-confidence, and entrepreneurial self-identity. Four hypotheses were developed and evaluated at a significance level of 0.05. A correlational survey research design was used for the investigation. All 281 students enrolled in vocational education at the University of Benin and Ambrose Alli University, Ekpoma, made up the study's population. Entrepreneurial passion, self-confidence, self-identity, and entrepreneurial intention questionnaire was the tool that was employed (EPSCSIEQ). Two professionals validated the instrument. The test was given to 20 vocational education students at Delta State University, Abraka, and the instrument's reliability was determined using the Cronbach alpha, which yielded a reliability coefficient of.82. The data received from the respondents was teed using both basic linear regression and multiple regression analysis. According to the research, entrepreneurial passion significantly predicts vocational school students' intention to start their own business in Edo State. (R2 = .235, F (1, 196) = 60.306, P <. 05). The findings revealed that entrepreneurial self-confidence is a highly important predictor of vocational education students' entrepreneurial intention in Edo State (R2 = .192, F (1, 196) = 46.596, P < .05). The findings also demonstrated that entrepreneurial self-identity is a significant predictor of vocational education students' entrepreneurial intention in Edo State (R2 = .111, F (1, 196) = 24.535, P < .05). The finding further revealed that entrepreneurial passion, entrepreneurial self-confidence and self-identity collectively predicts vocational education students’ entrepreneurial intention in Edo State (R2 = .350, F (3, 195) = 34.763, P <. 05). According to the results, it was advised that the students' enthusiasm for starting their entrepreneurial enterprise should be rekindled.
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