Meta Analysis of Sino-Foreign Cooperative Education Policy on Higher Education Institution in China


  • Zhang Junyi Wuhan Business University, CHINA
  • Zaheril Zainudin Faculty of Education and Liberal Studies, City University, MALAYSIA



Sino-foreign cooperative education, policy, higher education institution, meta-analysis


In an atmosphere of global developments never seen before, China has decided to keep opening up and engage in active international cooperation. One of the key focuses for the future growth of educational institutions is the internationalization of education. A fairly comprehensive and methodical policy structure is being formed as reformation along with liberalization facilitated by the subsequent implementation of multiple kinds of Sino-foreign cooperative education initiatives. With an apparent movement toward globalization along with increasingly frequent educational institutions exchanges and thus Chinese universities actively engage in Sino-foreign cooperative education underneath the umbrella of policies. Furthermore, the scope of Sino-Foreign Cooperative Education is continually growing. Investigating ways to advance Sino-foreign cooperative education, maintain its promotion, and raise its standard constitutes several worthwhile endeavors. This, current meta-analysis article, which focuses on SFCE, attempts to investigate China’s operational circumstances, including HEIs' perceptions of inclusivity in program execution, in light of the aforementioned disagreement. As a result, issues associated with the development of SFCE in China, its past and present, the challenges encountered while implementing SFCE therein, and suggestions to improve the SFCE learning atmosphere present-day in China have been collected and analyzed.


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How to Cite

Junyi, Z., & Zainudin, Z. (2024). Meta Analysis of Sino-Foreign Cooperative Education Policy on Higher Education Institution in China. CMU Academy Journal of Management and Business Education, 3(1), 1–13.