Business Education Students’ Perception of Computer-Based Test in Public Universities in Edo State, Nigeria


  • Kennedy Ediagbonya Department of Business Education, Faculty of Education, Ambrose Alli University, Ekpoma, Edo State, NIGERIA



Computer-Based Test, Perception, Paper-Pencil Test, Business Education


The study looked into how Edo State's public institutions' business education students viewed the computer-based test (CBT). A descriptive survey research design was used for the investigation. The population consisted of 226 students (100 and 200 level) studying business education at two public universities in Edo State. The researcher created a structured questionnaire with a 4-point Likert scale called the computer-Based Test Questionnaire (COBTEQ). The instrument was accepted by subject-matter experts and the reliability coefficient—which was determined using the Cronbach Alpha—came out to be 0.81. The researcher was able to obtain 178 copies of the questionnaires from the respondents, and these copies were then subjected to additional statistical analysis using the Mean, Standard Deviation, and the Independent Sample t-test. SPSS version 22 (Statistical Packages for Social Sciences) was used to do this. The study's findings revealed that there were numerous challenges with the CBT assessment in these public universities in Edo State, that there were notable differences between how male and female business education students perceived the use of the CBT, and that there were notable differences between how business education students in these public universities perceived the use of the CBT in different public universities. A key recommendation made in light of the findings was that institutions of higher education actively and purposefully use contemporary computer technologies to evaluate and track the progress of their students. This fits well with the present trend, which will undoubtedly promote sustainable growth.


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How to Cite

Ediagbonya, K. (2023). Business Education Students’ Perception of Computer-Based Test in Public Universities in Edo State, Nigeria. CMU Academy Journal of Management and Business Education, 2(1), 11–18.