Reading Competence as Predictor of Economics Academic Achievement among Lagos State Senior Secondary School Students in Nigeria




Academic achievement, Comprehension, Economics, Fluency, Reading Competence


This article investigated the influence of reading competence on academic achievement of senior secondary school students in economics in Lagos State, Nigeria. The study adopted a descriptive survey research design with a self-constructed questionnaire and an Economics achievement test as data collection methods. Two research questions were raised, and two null hypotheses were tested at 0.05 level of significance. The data was analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistical approaches. The findings revealed that Economics academic achievement of students is below average. It also showed that reading comprehension had a significant relative influence on Economics academic achievement of students in Lagos State (β = .169, P<0.05). Furthermore, a significant joint contribution of reading competence (reading comprehension and reading fluency) on academic achievement of students in Economics in Lagos State Senior Secondary Schools (F2, 305 = 2.115, P<0.05) was found. It was recommended based on the findings, among other things that there should be relevant strategies introduced to content-area instruction such that all economics teachers will foster reading competencies in their classrooms, which will culminate into improved academic achievement in Economics.



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Author Biography

Foluso Okebukola, Department of Language, Arts and Social Sciences Education, Faculty of Education, Lagos State University, 102101, NIGERIA




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How to Cite

Okebukola, F., & Oluwashola, M. A. . (2023). Reading Competence as Predictor of Economics Academic Achievement among Lagos State Senior Secondary School Students in Nigeria. CMU Academy Journal of Management and Business Education, 2(1), 35–44.